Statista Q


Below you will find a small selection of our previous projects from different industries, countries and backgrounds. Your needs have always been and will always be the focus of our work. Together with you we would like to work on a successful future and support you as a long-term partner on your individual way.


Below you will find a small selection of our previous projects from different industries, countries and backgrounds. Your needs have always been and will always be the focus of our work. Together with you we would like to work on a successful future and support you as a long-term partner on your individual way.

Please select your area of interest

Revision of the publication layout for an international financial company


Analysis of the current state and future prospects of data transport networks


Simulation model for calculating the revenue potential of an innovative quality feature in mobile communications


B2B and B2C customer survey to evaluate the acceptance of new payment and pricing options in public transport


Target group analysis for an international gaming provider


Continuous brand tracking in the area of tire and car services


Continuous tracking of TV and media usage in Germany


Customer segmentation and willingness to pay in the mobility sector


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