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Are you planning your own content piece? With our know-how, your studies, whitepapers and internal publications will be a success – because we turn your data into an experience. We generate and present data in a visually compelling form with content tailored to your target-group and high-quality graphics. Find out more about our data storytelling products here.


Download insights from our studies and partner projects as a whitepaper, or see our dashboard.

Are you planning your own content piece? With our know-how, your studies, whitepapers and internal publications will be a success – because we turn your data into an experience. We generate and present data in a visually compelling form with content tailored to your target-group and high-quality graphics. Find out more about our data storytelling products here.

Exclusive Insights

Artificial Intelligence Report

The AI Advantage: Powering Business Competitiveness. Get exclusive insights on AI such as important recent developments, current state of applications, drivers and impact. Check out our Pragmatic AI approach to leverage your AI business solutions.

Webinar: How AI based analytics unlocks the potential of alternative data

This webinar is about the potential of advanced analytics for alternative data sources to enhance the understanding of consumer behaviors, competitor strategies, market trends and many more use cases.

Webinar: The potential of alternative data

This webinar is about the potential of advanced analytics for alternative data sources to enhance the understanding of consumer behaviors, competitor strategies, market trends and many more use cases.

Unlocking Data – What is the key?

This whitepaper is about the perspectives and potentials of strategic data use in companies. You will receive exclusive insights from 1,200 managers surveyed in Germany, the UK and the USA and recommendations for implementing a data strategy in your company.

Consumer Tribe Map

The “Consumer Tribe Map” provides detailed information about consumer groups on selected trend topics in different countries. The dashboard provides exclusive insights into the market potential, accessibility and socio-demographic composition of consumer segments.

Content Marketing Trend Study 2023

What are the greatest success factors and challenges in content marketing? How much budget gets earmarked for content marketing? Which formats and channels are especially popular? Our Statista Content Marketing Trend Study has answers to these and other questions from B2B and B2C companies in German-speaking countries.

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