Statista Q


Below you will find a small selection of our previous projects from different industries, countries and backgrounds. Your needs have always been and will always be the focus of our work. Together with you we would like to work on a successful future and support you as a long-term partner on your individual way.


Below you will find a small selection of our previous projects from different industries, countries and backgrounds. Your needs have always been and will always be the focus of our work. Together with you we would like to work on a successful future and support you as a long-term partner on your individual way.

Please select your area of interest

Dealing with additional regulatory requirements


Determination of the market position for Internet-of-Things applications in North America


Analysis of the footwear market in selected core markets


COVID-19 Dashboard to find the best locations for live events


Market sizing and potential modeling for an organization that promotes free knowledge and free content


Competitive analysis of the premium chocolate market in the USA


Coffee in numbers


Forecast model for the long-term development of the European passenger car fleet


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