Statista Q


Using the Statista Sponsoring Evaluation, we accurately measure the advertising impact of your sponsors’ marketing efforts, both before and during your festival.


Using the Statista Sponsoring Evaluation, we accurately measure the advertising impact of your sponsors’ marketing efforts, both before and during your festival.

Prove the advertising power of your festival and secure long-term partnerships

Leading Festival Organizers Trust Statista

We have built a strong, long-term partnership with FKP Scorpio. Since 2019, they have trusted us to deliver Sponsoring Evaluations for the Hurricane Festival, Southside Festival, and Highfield Festival.

Leading Festival Organizers Trust Statista

We have built a strong, long-term partnership with FKP Scorpio. Since 2019, they have trusted us to deliver Sponsoring Evaluations for the Hurricane Festival, Southside Festival, and Highfield Festival.

Your Key Benefits
  • Data Collection – We coordinate the entire data collection process, saving you valuable time
  • Data Access – You can access all collected and analyzed data at any time via our online dashboard
  • Data Quality – Extensive experience with Germany's largest festivals ensures reliable and accurate results
Our Methodology

Customized Full-Service Solutions

We coordinate data collection from all stakeholders and ensure data quality. Based on advertising market data, media monitoring data and market research data, we determine the advertising equivalence values of all digital and analog marketing measures before and during the festival at standard CPMs (cost per mille). The results are visualized in an online dashboard or in a format that suits you.

Customized Full-Service Solutions

We coordinate data collection from all stakeholders and ensure data quality. Based on advertising market data, media monitoring data and market research data, we determine the advertising equivalence values of all digital and analog marketing measures before and during the festival at standard CPMs (cost per mille). The results are visualized in an online dashboard or in a format that suits you.

Look and Feel: Tailored Visualization of Your Results

Sponsoring Evaluation Dashboard

With the Sponsoring Evaluation Dashboard, we provide a comprehensive overview of the evaluation’s structure and functionality. You receive a clear and organized presentation of all relevant data and analyses, allowing you to intuitively navigate through the advertising value assessments of all marketing activities.

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