Statista Q


Find out how other companies leverage our data and insights to fuel their strategies and explore how we can elevate your strategic decision making.


Find out how other companies leverage our data and insights to fuel their strategies and explore how we can elevate your strategic decision making.

Over 85% of US executives use data, often during a detailed market analysis, to help make strategic decisions.

How companies make strategic decisions

Our Strengths
  • Individual end-to-end market analysis with multi-source methodology
  • Expertise in niche markets
  • Deep industry expertise and extensive expert network
  • AI-based analytics
Our Methodology

Custom multi-method approach

Depending on your needs, we develop a custom multi-method approach leveraging our proprietary Statista data foundation and combining secondary data from various industry sources and in-depth company research, primary data from consumer or company market research and expert perspectives to calibrate all sources into one holistic market model.

Custom multi-method approach

Depending on your needs, we develop a custom multi-method approach leveraging our proprietary Statista data foundation and combining secondary data from various industry sources and in-depth company research, primary data from consumer or company market research and expert perspectives to calibrate all sources into one holistic market model.

Our Insights

Webinar: How AI based analytics unlocks the potential of alternative data

This webinar is about the potential of advanced analytics for alternative data sources to enhance the understanding of consumer behaviors, competitor strategies, market trends and many more use cases.

Unlocking Data – What is the key?

This whitepaper is about the perspectives and potentials of strategic data use in companies. You will receive exclusive insights from 1,200 managers surveyed in Germany, the UK and the USA and recommendations for implementing a data strategy in your company.

Let us help you with your market