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Welcome to ReQiew: Our tool for analyzing reviews and ratings. With the help of AI ReQiew enables you to automatically extract individual insights from all ratings and reviews of your services or products, analyze them and evaluate them across various features & dimensions to gain product, customer and market insights. 


Welcome to ReQiew: Our tool for analyzing reviews and ratings. With the help of AI ReQiew enables you to automatically extract individual insights from all ratings and reviews of your services or products, analyze them and evaluate them across various features & dimensions to gain product, customer and market insights. 

How can I extract valuable insights from the mass of online reviews to better understand my customers’ needs and develop focused strategies to meet their expectations? 

Our answer

ReQiew explained in 2 min.

With ReQiew, we apply a fully automated analysis of customer reviews and ratings for both you and your competitors from all relevant online platforms, portals, stores, etc. 

ReQiew explained in 2 min.

With ReQiew, we apply a fully automated analysis of customer reviews and ratings for both you and your competitors from all relevant online platforms, portals, stores, etc. 

Consumers feel empowered when their reviews hold companies accountable, spotlight exceptional businesses, and drive improvement across industries. They often provide very valuable insights into potential for further development, as a result, other consumers read these reviews because they trust them and believe that reviews help them make the right decisions when buying a product or choosing a company.

The ability to extract and understand the direct but also hidden insights from these reviews and to derive measures from them represents a decisive competitive advantage for companies and successful market positioning. 

  • Use insights to develop marketing strategies based on identified white spots or best practices
  • Capture moods, manage reputation, strengthen customer relationships
  • Get insights and understand the market from the customer perspective
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses from all market participants

Our unique advantage is that we do not only look at and evaluate the reviews as a whole. We analyze and extract the individual aspects of all reviews and include the respective opinion of these individual components (e.g. the image quality of televisions or the heat generation by barbecues) in the evaluation. Not only do you get an overall picture of the reviews, but you also get a precise overview of the following dimensions:

Your products | Your customers | Your competitors | Your market

Consumers feel empowered when their reviews hold companies accountable, spotlight exceptional businesses, and drive improvement across industries. They often provide very valuable insights into potential for further development, as a result, other consumers read these reviews because they trust them and believe that reviews help them make the right decisions when buying a product or choosing a company.

The ability to extract and understand the direct but also hidden insights from these reviews and to derive measures from them represents a decisive competitive advantage for companies and successful market positioning. 

  • Use insights to develop marketing strategies based on identified white spots or best practices
  • Capture moods, manage reputation, strengthen customer relationships

Our unique advantage is that we do not only look at and evaluate the reviews as a whole. We analyze and extract the individual aspects of all reviews and include the respective opinion of these individual components (e.g. the image quality of televisions or the heat generation by barbecues) in the evaluation. Not only do you get an overall picture of the reviews, but you also get a precise overview of the following dimensions:

Your products | Your customers | Your competitors | Your market

  • Get insights and understand the market from the customer perspective
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses from all market participants
Your benefits
  • Convert information into knowledge and actions and benefit economically from this advantage firsthand
  • Uncover hidden insights from first-hand customer data and derive actions
  • Gain a direct competitive advantage by uncovering relevant white spots and market developments
Our methodology

Aspect selection

Based on your personal selection and our algorithm-based recommendations, we jointly decide on a selection of aspects that provide the best insights 

Aspect Selection

Based on your personal selection and our algorithm-based recommendations, we jointly decide on a selection of aspects that provide the best insights 


We evaluate each review towards our predefined individual aspects and identify and analyze their sentiments. We will provide you with valuable information concerning the customer satisfaction and pain points towards each aspect so you can derive actions that provide them with a competitive advantage. 


We evaluate each review towards our predefined individual aspects and identify and analyze their sentiments. We will provide you with valuable information concerning the customer satisfaction and pain points towards each aspect so you can derive actions that provide them with a competitive advantage. 

Presentation and visualization

We provide you secured access to your individual interactive dashboards. Get information at first glance or dive deeper in specific dimensions of the data. Use filters to Export automatic reports.

Presentation and visualization

We provide you secured access to your individual interactive dashboards. Get information at first glance or dive deeper in specific dimensions of the data. Use filters to Export automatic reports.